What does FGTC accept? Almost every piece of tech you can think of! No matter how old or broken! Computers, laptops, keyboards, cords, chargers, phones, digital cameras, VHS, CDs, cassettes, DVDs, Blu-ray players & media, video game consoles, games & controllers, calculators, electronic toys & games, networking equipment.

What items have fees/limits? We require a $5 donation & limit two items per household per day for the following items, desktop printers and scanners, flat screen monitors, all TVs under 55 inches (including CRTs). The $5 donation offsets the cost of disposing of these items responsibly. The limit allows our small staff the time to properly process these donations.

What don’t you accept? We do not accept most large items or items that contain hazardous materials. Solar Panels, TVs larger than 55”, large printers & scanners, appliances (lamps, microwaves, vacuum, stoves, washers/dryers, refrigerators, air conditioners) light bulbs, sewing machines, anything pressurized, gas powered devices, smoke detectors, or electric toothbrushes. FGTC reserves to the right to refuse any donation at our own discretion. Check out the Reuse MN website to find out a place in your area that might be able to help with items that FGTC doesn’t accept.

Okay I have pile of stuff to donate. What now? Stop by anytime time during our regular business hours!

Anything I can do to make your life easier? How nice of you to ask! It would be amazing, but not required, to untangle cords and cable, attach power adapters and remotes to devices with painters tape, and avoid using plastic bags - we will reuse/recycle cardboard boxes, plastic totes and paper bags.

I know I could google this, but can you just put a link with more info on how to get to Free Geek? Oh sure, here ya go.

What about large business donations? You betcha! Send an email to so we can coordinate.

Are donations tax deductible? Heck ya. Free Geek Twin Cities is a 501(c)(3) organization.

Does Free Geek Twin Cities do residential or commercial pick up? Nope. We don’t have a vehicle. Or a driver’s license. We were born in 2010 so it’ll be a few years until we can drive.

But what about……? Give us a call or send us a message. We’d be happy to help you figure out the best way to responsibly reuse or recycle those hard to get rid of items.