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Hello from Free Geek Twin Cities!

We have heard from many in our community about missing the ability to visit our store, and we have missed you too! It's been almost a year since we had to close our onsite thrift store. The closure has been hard but did force us to get our online store going (and you'll still be able to find all available major technology on the online store). Many additional small things will be available in the thrift store that we don't have the resources to post online - including parts!

We've been busy during the last year - those who have visited our thrift store previously will remember that it was a cramped space made up of a bunch of small rooms. We took down some walls and now we're ready to show you the new space that is much more social distancing friendly.

Free Geek Twin Cities will be open for onsite shopping this Saturday and Sunday from 12-5 pm for our Grand Opening weekend!

A couple of notes on the opening:

  • Everyone is required to wear a mask (no exceptions). Please, keep a safe distance from other people.

  • Park in the back (as usual). The door will be locked. There is a cart with a bell on top - ring the bell and an intake person will let you in. We will be limiting the number of people inside the store - if we reach the safe limit of people inside, we'll ask people outside to wait until someone leaves the store.

news, UpdatesRoman Kulik